Our Vision
To have a highly skilled, social, response dog placed in every school in America providing an additional layer of protection for our society’s most vulnerable population…our children. Response dogs are trained in weapons detection and to bring down an active shooter. They also serve as a visible deterrent to anyone contemplating an attack on the school. These dogs go through rigorous training to serve in their position which makes them very skilled, yet are also very socialized with whom they serve to protect.
About Us
Project Be the Shield was started in November 2022 after hearing of the idea from a local dog trainer of placing response dogs in schools to be a deterrent for school shooters. We are a 501c3 nonprofit corporation and are actively collaborating with a highly respected response dog training organization – Canine Connection
P-BTS is the bridge that connects dogs of excellence to our schools and organizations. We educate communities about the functionality, skills, and capabilities of the response dog. We provide funding to train response dogs that offer an additional layer of protection.
Need a Response Dog?
If you are interested in a response dog please contact us directly.
We are fortunate to partner with fully vetted and rigorous training programs across the US. We currently partner with K9CX: Canine Connection (a training facility located in Escanaba, MI). We will work directly with the dog & handler and the school/organization for placement.
Meet Our Team

Marla May
Board President & Co-Founder
I am a Registered Nurse, married to my husband and together we have a young son. I have 3 dogs of my own and a cat. We enjoy the outdoors whether it be hiking, camping or swimming.
I got involved with the organization as my son was entering into school. It is easier to prevent and deter threats than to manage a tragedy later on. I am excited by our momentum and our mission and fully believe that response dogs will protect their pack in any environment they are placed!

Nicole Derusha
Vice President & Co-Founder
I have 5 children, ages 8-22. I have 2 guardian breed dogs of my own and I’ve worked with children, dogs and in schools for over a decade.
I am passionate about Project Be the Shield because I know these breeds are incredible. They work hard, are ridiculously loyal and will never hesitate to keep our children safe. I am a concerned mother and want to do my part to add another layer of protection for our children.

Justina Hass
Board Secretary
I am a Forensic Scientist with the State Police, married to my husband and together we have three children and one dog. I’m a mother first and foremost, an animal lover, passionate about teaching and educating, an avid reader, and health and wellness and fitness enthusiast.

Allyson Jones
Board Treasurer
I am a healthcare account executive, happily married to my husband Joe, and proud dog Mom to a spicy little Doodle named Apple. As an honorary auntie to some really awesome little people, I am excited for what’s to come with this project and its aim to help protect all school-aged children, making our communities stronger and safer.

Kylie Kalishek
Public Relations Liaison
I am an animal lover, activist, and entrepreneur and have always fought for inclusion and safety in my community. After witnessing the horrific numbers of school shootings nationwide and hearing the concerns of local parents, there is no denying preventative action needed to be taken and taken seriously.
Get Involved
Why Donate
Our organization can only carry out our mission by receiving donations from generous individuals and organizations.
With your donation,
we are able to add that extra layer of protection for our children & staff. We are able to pay for a highly trained response dog and secure its placement in a school environment or other organization.
How My Donation is Used
Your donation will be used to directly pay for the placement of a response dog
Your donation may be used:
to cover the cost of the dog, its training, transportation and administrative fees during the placement process. All schools or organizations will be thoroughly vetted before placement.
Donated Veterinary Care
We encourage veterinarians to consider donating services for a response dog placed in their city or county.
Please contact us,
if your veterinarian office would like to be placed on the list for your area. You will be connected with the school once they have a dog placed with them. Thank you in advance!
Helpful Resources
Canine Connection
We are committed to building relationships of lasting trust between dogs and their humans.
LOCATION: 613 Ludington Street Escanaba, MI 49829
PHONE: 906-280-9850
EMAIL: d.m.johnson1270@gmail.com
FACEBOOK: K9CX Canine Connection
P-BTS Non-profit Bylaws
The attached Bylaws shall be subject to, and governed by, the Non-Profit Corporation Act of Michigan and the Articles of Incorporation of Project Be The Shield.
Click for complete Bylaws of P-BTS
Project Be the Shield is located in Gladstone, Michigan.